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Co-travel community & nomad school for traveling families

for season 2023/24

What we do?

We add a sense of belonging to your

nomad family journey!

Nomadville empowers families to enjoy the freedom of traveling the world with the comfort of consistent socializing opportunities, strong friendship connections and

a premium education system that travels with you.


Nomadville Travel Calendar

The Community

Nomadville brings together a community of like-minded families united by their lifestyle and core values.


We are a tribe of slow-moving nomad families that discovers 4 breathtaking destinations per year together.


Nomadville enables real social connections of traveling families and satisfies the social appetite of kids and adults. Our premium education concept is one-of-a-kind and nurtures all areas of child development, while exploring different countries, cultures, lifestyles, histories and societies.


We are the village that it takes to raise happy and confident little world-citizens!

nomad kids making friends



Nomad together
worldschooler enjoying beach

The Locations

Our Nomadville destinations are carefully curated and represent some of the most exciting spots in the world.


We stay about 2 months in one location, which gives us the opportunity to have authentic experiences, dive deep into the local culture and embrace new lifestyles, traditions and beliefs. 

At each location we set up a pop-up Nomadville Hub for our community and coordinate the best educational program, co-working options, recreation and community activities.


We help you enjoy local experiences and deeply immerse into the culture of your host country, work remotely and develop connections, while your kids benefit from friendship cycles and a forward-thinking education system that travels with you. 



Traveling kid learning about Egypt

Why should you join Nomadville?

There are two things we should give our children.
One is roots and the other is wings.


Develop into global citizen

Follow a curated education curriculum

Think and act beyond geographical borders

Maintain mindfulness well-being

Entrepreneurial and innovation mindset




Discover the world

Embrace new cultures and challenges

Live adventures and build unique memories

Unlock potential through experiential learning



Build strong relationships and social skills

Engage with like-minded people

Share resources to educate and entertain kids

Optimized work play balance for the whole family

Learn and grow as a community




Ensure emotional stability and well-being

Safe environment of peers and educators

Master transitions and empower children

Confidence through set expectations and schedules


How do we compare?

Check out, if Nomadville is made for your family.

What we do 

Location-independent lifestyle

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What we don't do

Bound to fixed hubs/locations

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Social tribe and travel community

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All year travel alone as a family

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Slow moving, thoughtful itinerary, deep immersion

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Fast moving, high paced country hopping

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In-person learning environment

using online and offline sessions

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Virtual school only

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Delivery of curriculum by
certified, experienced teachers

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Unstructured homeschooling 

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Curated, innovative curriculum,

meaningful learning experiences

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21st century education mindset

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Traditional mainstream school

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Organized and administered by the Nomadville team

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Self-organized travel group,

high admin effort for members

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Are you ready to join?

Applications for our 2023/24 season are now open! 

Not ready to join yet? Sign up to our mailing list to stay tuned!

little nomad friends having fun
worldschooler learning to surf



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Nomadville traveling school STEM education
nomad kids exploring nature on an outdoor adventure

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